Friday, October 11, 2013


Thinking on Stewardship
I thought I would share two things on stewardship – the first is a poem that I like – it captures well our relationship to the earth – a stewardship of our presence. The other is ten thoughts on stewardship that I have stolen from others over the years.

Old Growth
Driving through I couldn't help but notice

how the forest flourished,
to the very edge of the asphalt.

As if, at any moment
the deer ferns might grow legs,
tumble down the loamy banks
and run, unhindered, with long lost cousins

on the other side.

As if the Sitkas waited, breath held,
for our transient passing
only to close in upon themselves
in an ancient prayer circle, and

again offer forgiveness for our misguided intrusions.

Lesley-Anne Evans
July 2009 

Ten Thoughts On Stewardship
1.       Stewardship is about my relationship with God, family, the faith community and the larger community.
2.       We journey, as the Israelites journeyed, as a faith community.  Their desert was physical; ours is spiritual.
3.      Stewardship begins and ends in prayer.
4.      The five T’s of stewardship:
time, talent, treasure, trust, truth, and teaching.
5.      Giving of our first fruits…from the very core of our being … is difficult and therefore needs to be “practiced” incrementally until we learn that we can indeed live up to the ten percent giving goal.
6.      Stewardship is a thread that must consistently run though our lives, our families and all our congregational ministries. 
7.      The more we hold back in our relationship with God, the less we have in all our relationships.
8.      As much as people complain that stewardship puts to0 much emphasis on money, the truth is that money is the economy of our culture … we don’t barter with produce and product.
9.      People, who are prayerful, active in their faith, and generous givers, are happy.

10.   When a congregation commits to mission and ministry their desire to practice good stewardship is done easily.