Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wonderful Saints

In Hebrews we read: Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us ...(12:1)

On September 29th, Mike and Renee Markert, their children and I journeyed down to Tahoma National Cemetery to inter one of God's saints, Doris Thompson. On October 18th, we honored and blessed three of God's saints who retired from the Altar Guild, Marlys Helgeland, Mary Ann Erickson, and Jackie Stoll. Every Wednesday and Thursday the preschool saints get to hear about God's abundant love for them during chapel time. We are indeed surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses to the love and grace of our God.

I am always amazed at the myriad of ways God's people are faithful. We have members who pray diligently through our prayer requests, who serve food for the homeless, who provide food and other sundries for Hopelink, who listen carefully to a three year old as she tells "the most important thing in the world", who bring communion to our shut-ins and the sick, and who serve the church in so many small but important ways. This is God's saints at work. You are a part of this great cloud of witnesses.

Through you our God works the way of salvation for the world. Through our hands God shares love and hope with those who feel little love and sometimes less hope. God's people, YOU, are the ones that are called to work the many ways of peace in this world. I give thanks to God daily for you and your willingness to support the work of this congregation.

So let us persevere in this race that is set before us and give of our selves and our possessions to the work God has set before us. Let us grow our ministry to the Glory of our God who loves us so much that he calls us saints.