The days between Palm Sunday and Easter day is considered the holiest of days in the Christian calendar. It is to be a time of deep contemplation on the work of Jesus the Christ on his way to crucifixion. Christians are encouraged to curb their activities this week in order to provide the time to be in prayer and attend special worship services.
This year at FLC, we will begin our week hearing the story of the triumphal entry of Jesus to Jerusalem as told by the gospel writer of Luke. Later in the same service we will hear Luke tell us the stories of why the authorities were threatened by Jesus and how they planned to arrest him.
On Holy Wednesday, we will hold a special healing service at 7pm. This service will focus on meditation, silence, prayers of healing, candle lighting, laying on of hands and anointing with oil. During the prayers we will name out loud each person on our current prayer list.
Maundy Thursday we will hold two services at Noon and 7pm. This service will focus on the institution of the Lord’s Supper as well as a ritual washing of hands. Jesus gathered his disciples around a table of fellowship to teach them about who he was and how they are to continue on “in remembrance of me.” He gives the command, love one another, as a guiding principle for the faithful.
On Good Friday the Chancel Choir will present the cantata “The Shadow of the Cross.” It is a contemporary Tenebrae service arranged and composed by Lloyd Larson. This service will include narration by Susan Berg, Alexia Payne on violin and Lucy Kay Osborne directing and on piano. This promises to be a very dramatic service.
We give thanks to all those who are preparing for this week so that you can have moments of spiritual growth and a deepening of faith. Please join us for all or as many services as you can attend. Invite a friend!