One of the more important aspects of our faith journey is how well we steward the resources that God has entrusted to us. God is indeed generous and has given us so much to enjoy in this life. The challenge is how do we give back to this generous God? God does not ask for much, just a percentage of our first fruits.
The stewardship drive this year is themed "Can we count you in?" As we live more fully into Vision 2025 we are understanding that there is going to be a big commitment on our part to support what God is calling us to do. In a way, Vision 2025 is our burning bush from the story of Moses. It is God calling us into a new reality and new way of pursuing peace and justice in this world.
So, can we count you in? Can God trust that you will hear the call to percentage giving? When we all give from our abundance we participate more fully in God's mission for us. We are called to support with our time and our money that which God has laid before us. Percentage giving is such a great way to grow into our stewardship. If you are new to percentage giving ascertain what your current giving is then calculate what percentage that is of your gross income. Start there and increase your giving year to year by 1%. Here is a good calculator for that.
In the end, we trust God to provide. We know that God is trustworthy and fulfills the promises made to us. How exciting that God invites us to participate in this good work.