On March 15th the State of Washington took the unprecedented move to require people to stay home if possible and if you did go outside to wear a mask. The reason was to stop the rapidly spreading
COVID-19 virus. Our congregation made the decision to not just worship online but take a sabbath from Holy Communion. When we made this decision we assumed that we would be back to normal in a few months.
Boy, did we get that wrong!
Here we are six months later and the end of this nightmare is not in sight. This has prompted us to ask the question about beginning to share in Holy Communion again. Your council has had this conversation and we also held three Adult Classes in September to learn again what the Eucharist means to us, the history of the Lord's Supper and what does sharing in communion in the time of COVID-19 look like.
We have come to a decision. Starting October 11, during worship, we will begin sharing in Holy Communion. Do facilitate this momentous occasion we will be putting together Communion Kits for any household who would desire one. Click here to fill out an order form and we will have the kits ready for you to pick up on Saturday, October 10 at 11 am. The kit will include a paten (a plate for bread) cups (for wine or grape juice) and a starter of bread and wine/grape juice for Sunday. You will then need to provide your own bread and wine for subsequent Sundays. On Sunday morning we will have the Eucharistic Rite and take communion together all at the same time.
We know that God is with us in all of this struggle. In sharing the Lord's Supper together again will heal our souls and bring to us the joy of the Lord's saving word. Thanks be to God.