Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Being Sick

Are We Unique?

I hate being sick. Of course I personally have not met anyone who LIKES being sick. There is nothing unique about having a bad cold. Just about everyone I know has had one at one time or another. Yet, I am pretty sure no one on earth has suffered as badly as I have during this current illness.

Of course this is absolutely not true. There are millions of people who suffer more than I have. But it is interesting how quickly and easily I can fall into the “woe is me” frame of mind. Jesus said, “for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous.” (Matthew 5:45) I am sure this is the same for colds.

My Lenten reflection, ironically, has been the idea of what is unique about being a Christian. It many ways to the outside world there is nothing unique about it. Our bodies outwardly look the same as everyone else’s, our behavior generally is the same, and we seem to get colds the same way as others. There is not any advantage we have over non-Christians. Some Christians are rich, some are poor, some are athletically gifted, most are not, and some do well and some do badly. We are hard pressed to be able to point to someone in the crowd and say, “there’s a Christian!” That person could just as easily be an atheist, non-believer, or a follower of something else entirely.

So, do I deserve to have a cold? Probably. Because I have faith, should that protect me from illness? No, obviously. So, why me? Well, why not me?

The uniqueness of being a follower of Christ is the fact that we are called to see the truth of things. That yes indeed we suffer the same way as everyone else, but we have a hope beyond this suffering. We have knowledge and a promise that pulls us into a future of peace. Isaiah 65:19-20 teaches us that God will rejoice in his creation, and delight in his people; no more shall the sound of weeping be heard, or the cry of distress. No more shall an infant that lives but a few days, or an old person who does not live out a lifetime. We live with this knowledge in mind and also know that this too shall pass. I may at this moment not be convinced that this cold will go away, but that is okay. I have a promise that reminds be there are better days ahead.


Anonymous said...

Pastor get better soon we want to see you at the next group outing and enjoy the group conversation. Grace to you the rest of your week.

John LaMunyon prjohn@hslc.org said...

Yup. You are a wimp. Best not have hip surgery.