Tuesday, July 24, 2012

To Un-Occupy My Mind

I am about to head out on vacation. The word "vacation's" root comes from the Latin: freedom from something. Its basic form is from "vacate" to cause to be unoccupied.

There is a sense to the idea of vacation of "leaving behind" in our vernacular. You hear people start a declaration like "I just need a vacation from ..." denoting a hardship or burdensome event.

As I head out on my vacation I like these definitions because I want to be free from what is going on around me and I want to go away. I can not wait to get into the vehicle and point it away from home and work; to move physically through time and space and end up somewhere else. Once there I know that I do not have to make an appointment, clean my house, listen to one more complaint, or chase after my dog when she escapes.

But, vacation has lost some of its intent when we over plan or over expect. There is a sense of sabbatical that needs to be established into our times away. This sense is to slow down and listen; to not produce but to relinquish. Listening and relinquishing are to works that God enjoys from us. Why? because we do not listen very often and more often than not we want so desperately to hang onto everything until we are so burdened we are not able to move!

The Lord GOD has given me the tongue of a teacher, that I may know how to sustain the weary with a word. Morning by morning he wakens--wakens my ear to listen as those who are taught. Isaiah 50:4 (NRSV)

I hope you are able to be unoccupied long enough that you are able to listen and relinquish all back to God. When we can do this we are healthier people.

Job 39:5

1 comment:

Pastor Alan said...

Yes indeed, listen and relinquish, good advice. I will be on vacation Aug. 14-31 ... can't wait. Enjoy your time away!