Vocatio – Greek meaning “call.” English root is vocal or
voice. When one is called out they are marked, or placed in a situation they
must contend with. A “vocation” then is something we are called to – either a
job, a mission, a craft, etc.
It seems that we have a tug of war in our lives in how we
view our daily work in the world. On one hand we buy into the Genesis 3:17 description
of the human race “in the sweat of your face you shall eat bread until you return
to the ground, for out of it you were taken, you are dust and to dust you shall
return.” On the other, we do discover in our daily work joy and it does indeed
feel like we are partaking of God’s creative task.
Dorothy L. Sayers puts it this way (Essay “Vocation in
“… the first thing [the author of Genesis] tells us about God, in whose image both man and woman were created, is that [God] was … a creator. He made things. Not presumably, because He had to, but because He wanted to … And there is something quite distinctive about [the human being]: [they] make things – not just one uniform set of things, as a bee makes a honeycomb, but an interminable variety of different and not strictly necessary things, because [they] want to.”
She goes on to say that we as human beings, even in our
fallen life, we still are near to our divine pattern that we continually make
things, as God makes things, for the fun of it!
So the question comes then … so how is what I do in my daily
work holy work?
I think the answer lies in the fact that we are not fully
human until we produce or make something – anything. It is holy because God has
deemed the work of your hands as holy. (Of course for this short essay I am
avoiding any talk of the ethics of work, that is for another time).

You are made in the image of God. God creates because God
can’t help it. You create because you are a child of God.
God’s work. Our
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